
Change of Name

To move with the times many clubs are changing their names often replacing the word workingmens’ with social or sports and social club. The process for changing names will vary depending on how the club is constituted, in all cases the members rulebook should be complied with: Registered Societies or Friendly Society – the change of name should be passed at a General Meeting of the members and from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) website the ‘Change of Name’ form should be completed and forwarded to the FCA for approval and registration.

Limited company – the company’s articles should be referred to but the change of name usually requires a ‘Special Resolution’ passed by the members in a General Meeting. A Special Resolution requires 75% of the members present to support the change of name. A copy of the Special Resolution, Companies House form NM01 and a fee should be forwarded to Companies House for approval and registration of the change of name.

The FCA and Companies House may reject certain names or require further evidence to support the use of the name, for example if the name is considered offensive or a restricted word, such as Group. Clubs situated in Wales may use Cyfyngedig or Cyf instead of Limited or Ltd.

Once the change of name has been completed the club should inform H M Revenue & Customs, the bank, brewery and other suppliers. As a reminder changing the clubs name is not a formula to reduce debts, the club will have the same rights and obligations after the change of name as before.